Hello, I am Melissa

Let’s get real and heal. Together.

My story isn't sunshine and rainbows. It's one of battling anorexia, yo-yo diets, endless guilt, and even surviving accidents that threw my family into chaos. My body, once a prison, felt like a battlefield. IBS, Hashimoto's, Systemic Mastocytosis – the diagnoses piled up, leaving me desperate for answers.

Then, it hit me: food wasn't just fuel, it was medicine.

That lightbulb moment ignited a journey deeper than kale smoothies and trendy cleanses. It was about healing every layer – body, mind, and soul. I devoured nutrition studies, becoming a Certified Nutritional Genomics Specialist and earning a Master's in Clinical Nutrition. My mission? Nourishing Lab was born, a space where I partner with individuals, peeling back the layers of their health story.

No more one-size-fits-all diets. We dig deep, past frustrating doctor visits and generic prescriptions. We uncover hidden culprits – parasites and heavy metals, Lyme disease, mold toxicity and more. These unseen enemies can wreak havoc on your health, leaving you feeling lost and misunderstood.

But here's the beautiful truth: healing is possible. With the right tools – targeted diets, stress-busting routines, and a sprinkle of mindful movement – you can reclaim your body and thrive.

That's why I'm here on Substack. To share my hard-earned knowledge, to show you that the path to health isn't a straight line, but a winding adventure full of surprises and victories.

So, let's ditch the guilt, silence the self-doubt, and nourish ourselves – inside and out. Are you ready?

What can you expect?

  1. Weekly newsletters: Packed with evidence-based research, actionable tips, and inspiring stories to keep you motivated that includes:

  • Parasites: We will dive into the latest research on specific parasites, exposing their sneaky tactics and exploring natural, evidence-based strategies to keep them at bay. We'll cover symptoms, testing options, and effective herbal protocols so you can heal your gut from unwanted guests.

  • Mold: Don't let hidden mold spores steal your health! We'll expose the science behind mold-related illness, demystifying complex topics like mycotoxins and biofilms. Learn how to identify potential mold exposure in your home and discover practical tips for detoxification and prevention.

  • Heavy Metals: Unmask the silent toxins lurking in your environment – heavy metals like mercury, lead, and arsenic. We'll explore their impact on gut health, dive into cutting-edge chelation methods, and offer natural detox strategies to help you lighten your load and restore balance.

  • Holistic Nutrition: Beyond the spotlight threats, we'll explore the broader landscape of overall health and wellness. Learn about the latest research on sleep, stress, movement, and mental health, all through the lens of gut health.

  1. Golden Goddess Recipes: Nourish your gut and tantalize your taste buds with our selection of delicious, gut-friendly recipes. From probiotic-rich ferments to anti-inflammatory soups and gut-soothing desserts, we'll offer a spectrum of culinary delights to fuel your healing journey.

  2. Ask Me Anything Sessions: Every week, you'll have the opportunity to submit your burning questions on parasites, mold, heavy metals, and gut health. I'll personally answer your questions (in written or video format) and provide personalized insights to guide you on your path to optimal health.

  3. Community Forum: You're not alone on this path! Join our vibrant community forum to connect with like-minded individuals (aka Golden Goddesses) on similar wellness journeys. Share experiences, offer support, and celebrate victories together. We'll foster a space of encouragement and empowerment, where you can ask questions, get personalized advice, and feel inspired by others' triumphs.

By subscribing to our Substack, you'll gain access to a powerful toolkit for reclaiming your health from the inside out. We'll arm you with evidence-based knowledge, delicious recipes, and a supportive community to empower you to thrive.

Nourishing Lab: Let’s Get Real and Heal. Together. Subscribe now and get ready to be nourished – body, mind, and soul!

Subscribe to Nourishing Lab's Substack

I am a clinical nutritionist who has walked where you may be walking now. I've been unkind to myself. I've suffered sickness. But I've learned to nourish myself. I am here to help you cherish, cultivate and comfort yourself from the inside out.


I am a clinical nutritionist who empowers clients to live healthy, well-rounded lives with personalized strategies encompassing nutrition, relationships, career and self-love.