Why Drainage Is The Secret Weapon For Sustained Health
Forget the fads... boost your energy... unlock your inner glow
Detox. It's a word plastered across juice cleanses, social media feeds, and countless products promising a quick fix for a sluggish body. But the truth is, trendy detoxes often leave us feeling worse than before we started. They might offer a temporary "high" but can disrupt our delicate gut microbiome and leave us feeling depleted.
Instead of forceful "flushing," we need to prioritize supporting the body's natural drainage system to create a foundation for a successful detox. Think of it like this: your body is a bustling city. Every cell, like a home, produces waste as a byproduct of its daily functions.
But what happens if the garbage trucks never come, or only collect a few bags at a time? Trash piles up on the streets, leading to a smelly, unhealthy situation. This build-up can manifest in our bodies as fatigue, brain fog, sluggish digestion, and even skin problems, such as acne and eczema.
Drainage is the key to a clean city (and a golden glow). It ensures the pathways for waste elimination are clear – your colon, liver, kidneys, lymphatic system, glymphatic system, skin, and even cell membranes. These systems work tirelessly behind the scenes to remove waste products, excess fluids, and environmental toxins. Just like a well-maintained sewage system is crucial for a city's health, proper drainage is essential for our well-being.
The Benefits of Drainage Go Beyond Just Waste Removal:
Prevents Build-Up: Efficient drainage prevents waste products from accumulating and creating a toxic burden on the body.
Supports the Immune System: A healthy drainage system helps the body eliminate pathogens and toxins that can compromise our immune function.
Lays the Groundwork for Detox: Once the drainage pathways are clear, the body is better equipped to handle a targeted detox program, if desired.
What Is The Body’s Drainage Funnel?
The colon (bowel movements)
The liver and bile ducts
The lymphatic system
The brain drainage to the lymphatic system: glymphatics
Kidneys (urine excretion)
Skin (sweating)
The Order of Priority is the key to optimal function.
As you look at this diagram, you can see there is an order of priority: On the left is a healthy drainage funnel. On the right is an unhealthy drainage funnel. We want to get your drainage funnel to work well.
The most important part of the funnel is the bottom, the colon. If the colon is backed up, then everything above gets backed up. The waste products from each system flow into the colon for the body’s waste removal process. Think of the way two roads merge into one. If there are too many cars, traffic gets congested. The same principle applies to the colon. Healthy bowel patterns involve having 2-3 bowel movements per day with stools that are formed but not hard to pass (soft or firm consistency is normal).
The next area is the liver and bile ducts. This area is a common one people have issues with and it is very critical to keep open.
Now the lymphatic system needs to stay open to support the immune system and it moves dietary fats and toxins coming from the gastrointestinal tract into the bloodstream for removal, metabolism or storage.
Finally organs and tissues, such as the brain are included. To get the brain to drain, each drainage funnel system needs to be draining. This means the colon is working, the liver and bile ducts are open and draining, and the lymph system is moving the waste before the organs and tissues can be open and working as intended. If any one of these components isn’t working, there is a traffic jam, causing more delays at rush hour.
Powering Up Your Drainage Funnel
Mitochondria (cells): Think of mitochondria as a power switch that runs your drainage funnel 24/7! I can help you support your mitochondria so you can provide the energy needed to keep your drainage funnel running.Â
At Nourishing Lab, we believe that supporting the body's natural drainage system is the essential first step before entering any sort of detoxification program. This approach ensures a strong foundation for optimal health and your golden glow.
Want to learn more about how we can help you optimize your drainage and achieve a radiant you?
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