My healing journey has been long and bumpy, and it's still ongoing. But one thing I know for sure, looking back, is that the answers always lay within ME. I just didn't have the voice or the inner strength to speak up and advocate for myself and my health.
When my first symptoms appeared over 12 years ago, they were mild. I started to get bloated at the end of the day. It wasn't life-threatening, but it felt odd and uncomfortable. Slowly, my stomach began to expand. At one point, I looked nine months pregnant, even though I was very thin. I started wearing baggy clothes, which unfortunately led to accusations of having an eating disorder (full disclosure: I had an eating disorder when I was in high school).
Food became my enemy because it hurt to eat anything. I consulted top gastroenterologists who told me nothing was wrong, labeling me with IBS – a diagnosis that, frankly, is a diagnosis of “I am not sure what is wrong with you.” Strangely, I knew something was very wrong, but I couldn't find anyone to listen. And I didn't have the voice to advocate for myself.
Slowly, the symptoms worsened. My labs looked normal, but I could barely get out of bed. My body ached all over, my skin condition deteriorated, and I was so fatigued I spent entire days in bed. Before I knew it, I was very, very sick.
Looking back now, I realize I had the answers within me all along. I wish I had listened to my body earlier, when the symptoms first started. The answers were right there!
Does any of this sound familiar to you?
So, as you navigate your healing journey, remember this: if your practitioner tells you it's all in your head, or that your labs are normal:
Listen to your body.
Trust your body.
It has the answers – it's sending you signals that it needs support.
Even if you're seeing the top doctor in your area, follow your instincts. Seek a second opinion. Think outside the box. Your body deserves to be trusted.
Don't stop searching until you find someone who will truly listen and help you uncover the root cause of your symptoms. You are your best advocate. Find your voice and use it.
Your golden glow depends on it.
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